When it comes to water storage, it’s critical to have the right tank for the job. There are numerous benefits to using Xerxes fiberglass tanks for your water storage needs. From the grand history of the Xerxes brand to the protection and corrosion resistance that fiberglass can bring to your project. Did we mention they’re manufactured exclusively in the United States? We’ve outlined some applications where a Xerxes tank is the best choice for water storage.

Xerxes Fiberglass Storage Tanks for Water Storage Applications
Xerxes fiberglass storage tanks are suitable for a range of water storage applications, including:
Wastewater storage
Wastewater storage presents a complex problem as a storage tank must be able to withstand many different chemicals that are often present in industrial wastewater without degrading. In addition, tanks must offer superior resistance to rust and corrosion to prevent damage that will render your tank ineffective.
Fiberglass is the ideal tank material for these applications as it can hold harsh chemicals without corrosion or breakdown. Xerxes offers many fiberglass storage tanks suitable for a range of wastewater applications. With custom capabilities, we can create the perfect tank solution for your project design. Contact us to learn more!
Rainwater and Greywater storage
Xerxes fiberglass storage tanks are also ideal for harvesting rainwater and gray water. The fiberglass will not corrode or rust. Xerxes tanks are available in various sizes to suit the needs of any facility, giving a custom tank feel without the price tag. As rainwater and gray water collection become more mainstream, many consumers realize the benefits of Xerxes fiberglass tanks are the best option.

Potable water storage
Potable water is a complex consideration when it comes to storage. There are specific rules that regulate the storage of water intended for human use. Potable water refers to water intending to come into contact with the human body. Storage tanks are connected to a city supply or a well and pump water into the piping for consumption.
However, because the risk of contamination is high and could cause dangerous health problems, storage tanks used for potable water storage must adhere to the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 61. Xerxes fiberglass storage tanks go above and beyond these requirements by sending tank samples to independent labs for random third-party inspections. Each tank is uniquely labeled, giving consumers assurance that their model is certified according to NSF Standard 61, which very few other tank manufacturers are able to provide.
Stormwater Management Systems
Regulations are being placed around the country to combat the pollution that stormwater can cause. When stormwater is left to run directly into watersheds, it collects all types of debris and bacteria. Engineers are working hard to combat this by finding new ways to direct stormwater. Fiberglass underground storage tanks are the standout choice when capturing stormwater for reuse detention and infiltration systems.
Fiberglass has a clear advantage over traditional tank options. Underground fiberglass tanks offer a watertight solution to hold and harvest stormwater. Concrete and corrugated metal tanks are vulnerable to corrosion and material breakdown. Concrete can also crack and leak. Fiberglass has been shown to be corrosion resistant, resulting in a longer-lasting material – with a lifecycle of 30 years!
Fire Protection
When time is of the essence in a fire emergency, that is not the moment to find your water storage tank compromised. Capable of being stored aboveground or below, Xerxes fiberglass tanks are a reliable, long-term solution for safely storing water for emergencies.
Tanks Direct works with several counties across Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., supplying and installing Xerxes tanks in rural areas that will provide water in a fire emergency.
For over ten years, Tanks Direct has been a Master Distributor for Xerxes tanks. Today, our exclusive service area spans nearly half the country, including New England, Mid-Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Eastern Central regions. Tanks Direct uses Xerxes because they offer best-in-class tanks that stand the test of time. Contact us today and request a FREE custom quote on your next project.